• •APMC Inauguration 16-08-2013
    • Former MLA Diliprao Bankar
    • Speaker

Daily Rate

ID Vegetable Name Date Minimum Rate Maximum Rate Average Rate
1 Unhal Kanda 15-02-2025 0 0 0
2 Goltti Unhal Kanda 15-02-2025 0 0 0
3 Red Onion 15-02-2025 2200 3507 2950
4 Goltti Red Onion 15-02-2025 1000 2381 1950
5 Tomato (rate per Caret) 14-02-2025 60 151 131

Daily Rate Report Datewise

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Welcome to APMC, Pimpalgaon Baswant Bazarsamiti, Pimpalgaon Baswant

Establishment of Market Committee-

     According to the Bombay Agricultural Produce Market Act 1939, the establishment of Pimpalgaon Market Committee On December 28, 1995, Government of Maharashtra Gazette Part On page 1310 to 1313 in Supplementary 1, Published by Mr. Manohar Tribhuvan, District Sub-Registrar, Cooperative Society, Nashik. In Notification on 27.12.1995 As announced, Agricultural Produce Market Committee, Pimpalgaon Baswant, G. As per the Appendix No. 1 in Nashik, and the direct working of the market committee will be mentioned D It was started on 1 January 1996.

     India's economy depends on the country of agriculture. In the pre-independence period, the farmer was not able to get the right price, so the debt-borne farmer was lent to the debt. The British did not create independent markets for agricultural purposes. Thus, farmers were being extorted on a large scale. In the face of irregular nature, they used to buy the bricks produced by the traders arbitrarily. The farmer did not know the market price. Therefore, it is always possible to live a life of poverty.

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APMC Pimpalgaon Tender Documents

Sr.No.      Name       Details
1 Paper Notice Click Here
2 Tender notice Click Here

    The purpose of the Establishment of the market committee-

    The financial fraud and misrepresentation of different ways should be stopped and unauthorized exemptions should be closed, such as the correct weight, and the right compensation for the goods should fall in cash. Market Committee was formed for the purpose of tracking the interest of other related entities.

    The financial fraud and misrepresentation of different ways should be stopped and unauthorized exemptions should be closed, such as the correct weight, and the right compensation for the goods should fall in cash. Market Committee was formed for the purpose of tracking the interest of other related entities.

    Read More full info.

Hon'ble Sharadchandra Pawar Main Market

lines divider

Government Office

Entrance Gate 1

Entrance Gate 2

Farmer Building

Merchant Sankul

1 Cr liters Water Storage

Wastewater Treatment Project-1

Wastewater Treatment Project-2

Main Road Connected Sub Roads

Tree Plantation in road direction No.1

Tree Plantation in road direction No.2

Plantation in the Remaining 40 acre containers